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Spectrometers and mini-spectrometers include elements such as a diffraction grating, an image receiver and control and processing circuits integrated in a compact package. Measurement data via the USB port can be sent to a computer for processing and analysis. Mini-spectrometers are represented by a large group of products operating in the range from UV to near IR range (0.2 – 2.55 microns).

Models: C13560, C10082CA, C10082CAH, C10082MD, C11007MA, C11118GA, etc.


All HAMAMATSU products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant HAMAMATSU: photomultipliers, photodiodes, MPPC, Image detectors, Scientific cameras, spectrometers, Light sources, Laser products
  • Photomultipliers HAMAMATSU
    R1288-A, R1288-A01, etc.
  • Photodiodes and photodiode rulers HAMAMATSU
    Photodiodes and photodiode rulers
    G8941, G13176, G11193, etc.
  • MPPC Detectors HAMAMATSU
    MPPC Detectors
    S13720-1325CS, S12571-015C, etc.
  • Image Detectors HAMAMATSU
    Image Detectors
    G14237-512WA, G9201-256S, etc.
  • Spectrometers and mini-spectrometers HAMAMATSU
    Spectrometers and mini-spectrometers
    C13560, C10082CA, etc.
  • Light sources HAMAMATSU
    Light sources
    L6301, L6565, L7293, etc.
  • Laser products HAMAMATSU
    Laser products
    L10596, L10881, etc.


HAMAMATSU (Japan) is a well – known Japanese company that develops and manufactures various optoelectronic systems, as well as their individual components. Products under the HAMAMATSU brand have been widely distributed all over the world and are now recognized as the standard of high-quality equipment in many fields of science and technology.
  • history

    First, starting with the founding of Tokai Electronics Laboratory in 1948, HAMAMATSU TV Co., Ltd.was founded in 1953, after which the company changed its name to HAMAMATSU in 1983.

    HAMAMATSU establishes a global headquarters and main production, research and development centers in Japan and develops business worldwide with subsidiaries located in 16 countries and regions of the world.
  • production

    HAMAMATSU offers equipment for solving various tasks, including complex and responsible projects. The company's product line includes both standard cameras and models for specialized analysis of radiation of different ranges.

Information Board HAMAMATSU

Learn more about our products HAMAMATSU.
  • HAMAMATSU Questionnaire на сайте HAMAMATSU
    HAMAMATSU Questionnaire


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